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At Untold we care about eSports. The founders of Untold were at one point amateur competitors but have always been passionate viewers of multiple esports.

Into the Breach (ITB) are the highest-ranking UK eSports org and the first UK team to attend a CSGO major and a Rainbow Six Siege Major.

Best Trackmania Duo in the world: MIME and AFFI.

Trackmania content creators: Majijej and Lars

Sim Racers:

Mateusz Tyszkiewicz, Kamil Pawłowski, Mikhail Statsenko, Jakoc Ostermann, Luis Roters


Rainbow Six Siege Team participating in EUL:

Azzr, Kendrew, NoaUrz, Creedz, Oscr, KangruKenny and Leonski

Tarkov Creators:

Philbo, Walker, BlitzerGirl, Goes, Blxnk

We really enjoy working with all the guys at ITB on cool content together as well as big projects.

As the title sponsor of the Rainbow Six Siege team, we do our best to get involved and help the players the best we can.

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